Hi, I’m Claudia.

Voila, this is my story!

I am used to quickly establishing trust with people through my background in commercial photography and this means I am extremely comfortable when listening to and being fully present with others.

I grew up in Germany and have lived in many places, because I have always had the urge to explore and learn about the world.

While I was living in Asia far from my immediate family, my brother passed away. It taught me about grief and how to be at peace with death and loss..

My divorce made me confront my core beliefs. The consequence was that I grieved for the life I had lost, how my childhood had shaped me and the wounds I still carried as a result. In time I faced my fears and saw the process as a tremendous gift. This was a powerful turning point.

When the path presents itself, take it.

In 2017, I listened to a talk by Frank Ostaseski, Founding Director of Zen Hospice Project in San Francisco. I found his message compelling and I then undertook the ‘End of Life Doula’ training at the Conscious Dying Institute in Boulder, CO. and the Life Coach Certification with SoulShine Coaching.

I am a certified CI facilitator and currently undertaking mentor training under Dr. Gabor Maté.

I look forward to connecting with you!

My Certifications

What People Are Saying

The loss of Self is the essence of trauma.

Connect With Me

Let’s make sure you get the most out of our time together. A good connection is so important. And for that, I offer a 20 minute initial call. Reach out to me, no strings attached.